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    You are wrong. People i know who’ve been on opioids for 20 plus years are being forced taper because of this bs. I had spine surgery a few months ago i woke in severe pain and was hallucinating because iwas drugged with ketamine I’m sure you’ve heard of the date rape drug. Yeah they discontinued it in post op because

    The only opioid crisis that i can see is in getting the medication for people who really need it. This is madness. Government is outout of control and drunk on power. I would like to everyone at the CDC and government officials be given drug screens. In the last 5years i have not so much as even witnessed “our

    I i don’t know about how anyone else took the story but it looks like good news bottom line back off on the kratom. They couldn’t even prove of it was from kratom. It could have come from kfc for all they know! #iamkratom

    I’m sure he’s referring to his own safety with his crazy outdated and dangerous position he’s certainly doing more harm than good. He needs to be removed from his position and habe a mental health evaluation.