
By acclaim, Sorcia McNasty’s story about the haunted truck would go in there, and I’m still going to stand by my contention that the freakiest story I ever read on here was IndianaJoan’s story “911 Calling.”

I loved Melwithoutdiner5's story this year. I love that it seems like just a creepy person at first, but then quickly moves into the inhuman/impossible realm. 

Am I the only one to have known a bunch of absolutely horrible people that were “committed husbands and fathers”? I mean, we all know that’s not much of an out these days.

The vagina doesn’t need to be stretched prior to first intercourse -- what it needs is to be excited and lubricated. I’m all for women (and men, and anyone) choosing to have penetrative sex for the first time by themselves with a safe and quality sex toy, but that should be about exploration and pleasure, not some

Snakehead fish are terrifying. A few years back, a friend of mine agreed to go to someone’s apartment to feed their fish while they were gone. I went along, thinking I’d see something pretty or exotic. NOPE. My friend opened the top of the aquarium and the fucking thing JUMPED OUT and started slithering around on the

I feel like some of these people did not finish the book.

Alcohol is, I believe, the only drug we have to justify why we don’t use it.

I have been saying for years that all this talk about food that is “good for you” and “bad for you” is doing more harm than the relative nutritional value of the food under discussion.

I never understood why people who drink have issues with people who don’t. If someone made that choice, for whatever reason, that’s cool. Personal choices are just that - personal, and more power to them. I respect anyone’s choice to imbibe or not and have zero need to know any details. As long as you don’t lecture me

You’re probably right, but they can also do a two minute Google search to confirm they can’t get the virus from someone doing their hair.

The sad truth is that most people who are struggling financially are doing so because they don’t bring in enough money to pay for their basic necessities. You can’t budget your way out of that. Those people are likely not buying a coffee every day, either. 

this was full on N-word stuff, and it made the white liberal in me die a little each time I went into the kitchen to run food.

Samesies! Except I didn’t buy the added legroom in the exit row. The gate agent was a complete sweetheart and offered it to me because of my height. Five minutes later, there’s this “excuse me, but would you switch so that I can sit with my friend?” Not family. Friend. And they were super short. I just said no

The person in the middle seat had the exact same opportunity to select their preferred seat as we did. I sympathize with their discomfort, but it’s also not on me to alleviate that for them. I’ve gotten stuck in a middle seat while flying alone plenty of times; it sucks, but you deal with it.

the world is a lot better if we’re all a little nicer

Sounds to me like the raging fucking asshole out to teach people a lesson is you, dude.

Next time, consider having a quiet word with a flight attendant. The FA could then “check” their boarding passes and tell them to go back to their assigned seats.

Parent with kids here, parents... book better, this is (mostly) your fault if it happens. You are responsible for your travel arrangements, do not rely on the airline to realize that kids must be with their parents. Yes mistakes can be made, that’s not the vast majority of these cases.

My wife and I book like this (she likes aisle, I like window, and maybe a third of the time we get lucky and the middle seat stays unbooked), but when someone does come sit between us, as far as they know, we don’t even know each other. No talking across, no passing things back and forth. One, because it’s rude as