Maggie Pye

I feel like the show works the way many of the book series I read as a kid did: it's always set "now." And since it's made over a period of time, that means that even though, technically, only a short time has passed, "now" jumps ahead a year with every season.

If you add "and diabetes medications" to that, I'm pretty sure it's in my dad's cable package. At least, he always seems to be watching it….

I watched it succeed on Facebook as an Important Message for a few very clueless white people. They don't know any black people personally. They live in a town that is 98% white, and most of that 2% is Hispanic.

I don't think it's totally implausible that she'd have had her assistant make a few calls. But even if she hadn't, restaurant kitchens are one of the few places that tend to have little problem hiring ex-convicts, and Poussey could probably get herself a job. (Even if women aren't always as welcome in the kitchen, P

I thought the agreement was that Suzanne could come *back* from Psych, which most inmates don't. Not that she never goes. She definitely seemed to have been there when she was talking to Piper about it in S1.

That's what we're doing. We are buying tickets (and going to the movie) despite the fact that I hated the original and my wife doesn't care one way or the other, just out of spite.

The prison might very well have VHS tapes for movie night. I think it's just that inmates don't have regular access to VCRs (or other, more modern, equivalents), so having the tapes in the *library* is what seems off.

Once. When they're assigning bunks to the new inmates.

I have never had a dealer in the car when I went on a test drive, but I have also never test-driven any car more expensive than a Chevy Cavalier.

My wife is Canadian, and not even a native English speaker, but she got the Jordache reference.