I know! I’ve been trying to get pregnant, and it’s ridiculously frustrating. We need a little light or something that just dings on as soon as you start building up pregnancy hormones.
I know! I’ve been trying to get pregnant, and it’s ridiculously frustrating. We need a little light or something that just dings on as soon as you start building up pregnancy hormones.
Ugh, don’t pay attention to Google-search pregnancy symptoms. You’ll spend the next week convinced that every slight pain, muscle twitch, and gas buildup is OBVIOUSLY pregnancy, even if your test is negative.
I’m so sorry. If couple’s counseling was a possibility financially, I would highly recommend going to counseling anyway, by yourself if he won’t go. If nothing else, it gets you out of the house, which, in my experience, becomes a very oppressive place on its own when there are serious problems in the marriage. Plus,…
So, this isn’t your exact situation, but it’s related. When I was just slightly older than you I decided that I was really unhappy in my marriage, but it took me such a long time to leave, partly because I was afraid of spinsterhood. But I left, and then a couple of years later I completely randomly met the dude…
BRB making clove bourbon now for Samhain.
I’m really looking forward to the horrified shrieking of the Real Food sanctihippies as they try to decide between “ethically and environmentally better in every way” and “GMOs turn your children into mutants.”
That’s how we do it at my house! I still tend to line baking pans with foil, though, because cleaning those things sucks and we don’t have any water here in CA.
My go-to salmon prep is baked, with lemon butter. Salmon is sooo taaaasty by itself that you don’t need to do much with it if you don’t want to.
I actually don’t know a whole lot of Wiccans. Most of the witches I know are just witches, or Pagan. I think a lot of non-Pagans think that witch and Wiccan are synonymous, because Wiccans are much more recognizable as a religion, but people don’t realize how specific Wiccan theology and practice can be.
Turns out people live witchcraft in a lot of different ways. The ones I know consider themselves religious (for the record, I was going to keep myself out of it, but my witchcraft is separate from my theology but not my religion), and the ones you know don’t. Awesome. Revise your statement to “Some witches are…
First of all, just because something can’t be attached to a particular religion doesn’t make it secular. Is prayer secular? Maybe secular isn’t actually the word you’re looking for? And as helpful as Frasier’s division of “religion” and “magic” can be conceptually, historically the picture is much more messy and it’s…
That was the first thing I thought of, too. But honestly, that saying comes out of a culture of patronism, where the thing you did to show off how rich you were was fund art and civic projects so that your name would get carved into them. In modern American culture, where the way to be “Christian,” according to the…
There’s a lot of discussion about that. For the record, I’m talking about American and British witchcraft as it’s developed since the early 20th century. I know a lot of witches who consider themselves witches but not Wiccan (the term “kitchen-witch” gets thrown around my community a lot), who have varying theologies,…
wildhunt.org is a good place for your witch-positive news, but they don’t update nearly as much as Jez.
Probably they won’t, because witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism are religions, and the Gawkerverse tends toward the “magical sky fairy” view of religion, regardless of details.
Yeah, the first sentence, too. I spent half the article thinking, “Witches in Britain don’t do exorcisms, Christians do. Witches don’t believe in the devil,” before I figured out what she’s actually talking about.
Yeah, I quietly judge people who say “northern California” when they mean “halfway up the state.” I’m like, “Haha, you don’t know what north IS.” ;-)
I think this means I need to have a Fury Road/Alien movie night.
Pretty sure your husband and my boyfriend are twins.
Does it count as black if I put cardamom in it?