
If the team is named princesses and uses poms, and if it requires two practice uniforms....I have an inkling of what gym it is. If it was Extreme and located somewhere in NC or RVA, you made the right choice. That program is the wooooooooorsssssttttttt (and not just because my team had a rivalry with one of their’s)

OHHH that is.....not better. There are some very very messed up parents in the cheer world. I have a faint hope that maybe someone in that program realized that was messed up? 6 year olds are barely ever in any huge comps so....I don’t know, the thought process behind this diet sheet makes me want to scream.

Wow, your hypothetical daughter better not be interested in cheer or dance or gymnastics or pageants or any other stereotypically feminine activity!!! Conformity suxx!!! Being jaded in high school is definitely the best way to enjoy being a teenager!

They exist. UofLouisville, Kentucky, UDel all offer them. A lot of all-star cheerleaders also go on to do Acro & Tumbling in college, which is a recognized sport and gets HUGE scholarships.

Those are also generally dancers as opposed to cheerleaders.

Holy smokes, where were you that a 6 year old was given a diet? Name that program, because that is not okay. We were given a meal plan before Worlds as 18-21 year olds on an open team, but that was the only time. That mandatory trip was probably UCA or The Summit, which is a HUGE deal for young cheerleaders. It’s not

You can get scholarships, yes. Some all-star cheerleaders are so popular on social media that they have become brand ambassadors and are paid upwards of $1,000 for promotional stuff. Not that that’s something to aspire to though...

Thank you for this.

Why would all-star cheer require poms? Is it like a mini rec team?

I thought it was established she’s white...I could buy her being mixed, but WE has a couple black cheerleaders who wear their hair natural soooo

This girl is white?? There are several examples of all-star cheerleader with afros? There was one girl on Top Gun OO5 2015 who had a frohawk....?

Ugh, memories. Peace, love, curlformers

They aren’t even school officials....all-star gyms are privately owned and uniformity is a part of what you are judged on in cheer...

Teams, as in the 15 - 30 girls and sometimes boys on the team, decide how they wear their hair. It is expected that some degree of uniformity is enforced. If the coach kicked her off because of how her mother behaved, I doubt her hair was that big of a problem

Neither does cheerleading!!! Whoa, crazy right?

That’s weird, pretty sure Woodlands has a good percent of non-white cheerleaders...

Like this? Pretty sure the cheerleaders are with ya

This is so ridiculous. I cheered for 16 years. I have medaled at Worlds. I have WON Worlds. Everyone who is commenting acting like this is some sexist, idiotic and out-of-line thing for the coach to say has most likely never stepped foot in an all-star cheer gym. Looking uniform is part of the judging. Please look at