
You’re the kind of guy that would tell a hot large breasted chick her shirt was gapping open or her whale tail thong was showing when she bent over or both...aren’t you?

Dang it, who called the etiquette police? Oh wait NO ONE!

Excuse me can you either move or get off your white horse! Your horse is crapping on the fun & ruining it for everyone else.

Why do I get the feeling you still run into the living room of your parents house yelling “mommy, mommy I went pee pee in the big boy seat!”.

I agree, especially about the A-10. Why everyone keeps trying to kill the absolute best ground support aircraft ever conceived is beyond me. You hit the nail on the head there, it desperately needs a modernization overhaul, not retired. Personally I think the F-35 should have been scrapped several years & billions of