
Good. Discrimination is:

Ricky Gervais could have had a field day with what Matt Damon’s said and done this year, but went with Ben Affleck? Um?

I would like to nominate you for some sort of award for this comment.

One day, I’ll fly home in my google drone copter, inject my intake port with a revitalizing shot of Gatorade nanoparticles, check my wrist display to check in on my kids, who live in orbit around Venus, and plug my neckport into the entertainment box where Abram’s head, now attached to a synthetic body that shines

So MTV is showing this guy, who is clearly crazy, video footage of her saying that she was planning on leaving him, and bringing him on the show after she cheated on him which will obviously result in him finding out? Why do I feel like MTV would love the ratings boost of a domestic violence murder but publicly say

I think we can give her the benefit of the doubt and say that, no, she didn’t mean that. Just that Planned Parenthood helped her avoid any unwanted pregnancies which are, I hear, tough.

But, seriously, that’s the only harm done: an imaginary concern troll in the sky gets upset.


“I have a 13-month-old son, and my wife and I have laid down some basics boundaries ...And no Elmo merchandise... for all intents and purposes, Elmo products are banned.”

I also won the Alcoholic Mother Lottery. I’m sorry darling.

I love my sister to bits, but I’m by far the cutest. ;) ;) ;)

Pretty sure this Pissing Contest answers the article last week, that asked if you should tell your child they are beautiful.

I also have a mom with booze problem who becomes a mean drunk sometimes and says mean shit. I don’t know you, but I just wanna give you this:

Ugh. I think I’m out on this one. It makes me sad to read these.