
Politics has become a de facto religion for many people, and I’ll be goddamned if I know why. It’s insane. And stupid. And insane. And above all insane. It’s odd because people in the 1970s weren’t as consumed with politics as we seem to be today — even though, in the 1970s, the war in Vietnam was just winding

If he’s being rightfully accused, then his deniels were a hyperbolic farce and he needs to be denied his confirmation and immediately disbarred.

Would you be just as LOL amused if she referred to Joe Biden as a “rapist”? Words have meaning. If the words are not accurate, and are even slanderous, they should not be used. So you tell me the difference between calling Ben Shapiro a fascist, which he is certainly not (Shapiro favors LESS, not more, government

Curious to hear more about this Revisionist Zionism you just brought up and where it fits in with your own feelings about the Jewish state and where you’d like to see it in the next 10 to 15 years.

Nope. Fascists crave MORE statist intervention in our lives, not less. Shapiro craves less. The people who hate him the most and who use phrases like “shut the fuck up” and call him a “racist” are the ones who favor more government regulation in our everyday lives. The irony, then, is that it’s the people calling

Do you have any idea how wrong you are? To my knowledge, Shapiro NEVER debates people on his show. Or at least, almost never. All of his many debates have taken place in venues OUTSIDE of his show (colleges and universities, mostly).

In other words, Ben Shapiro doesn’t share your view on the prevalence of structural racism in the United States and, what’s more, he believes that the religion whose adherents are most disposed toward terrorism in 2018 is Islam — therefore, Ben Shapiro is a liar.

Care to enumerate three or four examples of Shapiro’s lies?

Allen’s movie is still a masterpiece and no amount of “woke”Kool-Aid the PC culture is swilling is going to change that.

It’d help if that were an actual quote, Z, but of course it isn’t. I can play that game too. What if he said: “Since everyone is equal under the law and before God, it is dehumanizing to hold people to different standards of behavior based on race. In fact a sliding scale of behavior is both unjust and bigoted, not

Yeah. The New York Times is basically a booster sheet for the GOP. It’s a right wing rag. Nothing but wing nut propaganda in the New York Times. Very sensible observation.

Maybe keep race out of it. If you’re going to generalize about people based on the amount of melanin in their skin, where does that end? Are you willing to do that with blacks too? Asians? I hope not. But that’s the slippery slope you’re walking down.

It is exactly one, not very credible, accusation made by a woman in the middle of a heated child custody battle with the accused. Allen, 56 at the time, had no history of pedophillic behavior before, or since.

Once the idea that,“To be accused means you’re probably guilty” becomes widely accepted, we’re all in trouble.

Why in the fuck? Because if you point the quivering finger at someone, and it’s just you and your mother, and there’s no proof, and you stand to destroy someone’s life in the process, how does anyone know you’re not lying?? That’s why in the fuck.

Actually it’s not new at all. Turn back the clock 50 years, my friend. A full half century. Steve McQueen insisted on doing his own driving for the legendary car chase in BULLITT. The movie was co-produced by McQueen’s own production company, so he had considerable power on the set. Director Peter Yates complied

Well said. It’s particularly frustrating when one realizes that more people than ever share this person’s outlook. Entertainment now must be viewed through the prism of race, gender, and sexuality. I suppose this was always the case, to a degree. But now it’s on steroids.

In other words, when you’re working within a culture of discrimination — the existence of which, I’m sure we can all agree, is pretty vile — you are putting your job at risk by being a whistleblower.

Fine. It was tone deaf. But “tone deaf” has become synonymous with “Speaking truths we’d rather not here.” And avoiding the truth simply because speaking it is “tone deaf” is an odious and dangerous policy. The “Venus Mars” idea that men and women IN GENERAL have different hard wiring was not, until about 45 minutes

Which tells me maybe the allegations weren’t true.