Jezebel attacking a womans appearance.
Color me shocked.
Jezebel attacking a womans appearance.
Color me shocked.
1) Couldn’t she still finish the show? Like, yea, she got fired from her other job but do we care that much that she can’t round this out?
2) They throw shade at the Olsens, they’d do the same with her. I like the rowing bit, but I think they all like Lori so I don’t see that happening.
3) She could be off doing…
So you shamed him for trying to clarify and have a conversation? Nice of you.
The term is mainstream. Problem is it is widely applied to any show of masculinity.
But the term toxic masculinity is mainstream. The problem is, in certain circles that speak loudly, men showing any signs of masculinity are labeled toxic.
And I just reread your “here’s me being rude and an asshole...” part.
Its. A. Reasonable. Excuse. Doesn't make it a good thing, doesn't excuse it, but it's understandable.
So 5 year olds are sub human? People with an extra chromosome are sub human?
Yes, and that is a reasonable reason. Server fucked up, but its understandable how it can happen
I would say it’s more on the server. Kitchen can forget, but it’s the servers job to go back there and ask WHERE’S MY FUCKING RISOTTO?! Now there was a perfectly reasonable reason as to why it was forgotten, but it’s still the servers fault.
So not to be rude, but if I saw an adult with a backpack AND a stuffed animal, I might assume they have an extra chromosome as well.
So I had a tiff with Mr. Rude right before I noticed he was gone/not commenting.
He was very aggressive, the topic was something to do with race. I was asking for clarification and got a general fuck off whitey, which is true to character, but unnecessary at the time. He had a point and I had a point, but it was…
Well of COURSE not fucking up is step 1. But they were well past that point.
A free dessert is a perfectly fine attempt at making it right.
Welll..not sure the picture actually posted, so here it is in words:
Scene: Grumpy Cat, in normal Grumpy Cat Pose
Top Caption: Grumpy Cat Die?
Bottom Caption: Good
Sausage Biscuits are breakfast food ROYALTY. Fuck out of here with muffins.
Same BeastMoe, same.
I have my first on the way. Bought “Someone Could Get Hurt” the day after I found out. Read the first chapter, with a 25 oz Bud Light Platinum and MAYBE after using some devils lettuce.
If you’ve read it, you know how difficult that first chapter is. I put it down, tears in my eyes looked at my…
First, I never said it was proper etiquette to allow food to be wasted. I implied that “finding a discreet corner” to put food in a to-go container is bullshit and goes against regular office etiquette. Also, unless you explicitly ask if it will be wasted, you’re out of line.
The pervasiveness of contracts on their own is astounding to this non-lawyer observer.
work leftovers are to be split for lunches throughout the office on a first come, first served basis.
And bringing your own Tupperware to a dinner party is tacky as hell.