Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

Hey silly goose,
No where does it say that Uber used Ubers interface as survalliance, which, while you did not explicitly say that, we all know that is what you are implying.
They used open doors in other people’s code to see information, watced rivals the good old fashion way (with people) and sent spies in to rival

Just because someone does doesn’t mean it is supposed to. Uber isn’t kicking people off the service if they don’t drive enough. They say “sign on when you want, sign off when you want”
It’s not a companies problem that their employees don’t make enough money working part time or using their job as a secondary job. It

Fuck asking hotel people. They are the worst.
Was in Galveston and declared to my wife we were getting CRAWFISH.
Walking out the hotel, I asked the door guy “Go to this place, it’s a short, 5, MAYBE 10 minutes walk up the sea wall.
Cool. We head off, 15 mins later, no crawfish. We then pull it up on our phones and are

And here, right here, is an example of what I was talking about.

I only refer to myself as an ally in situations like this when it’s the conversation. I’m not running around with ALLY across my chest. I know you didn’t say that, but I explain that to say that I do live it and show it.
I’m in Texas, as much progress as we have made in the state, there are still issues. I have

So to clarify, my trans and gay friends have never told me to shut the fuck up.
In public conversation, both IRL and online, I have been told to shut the fuck up because I am not trans or gay. I also get it when attempting to conversate about race. I’m a white guy, I’ve had my turn to talk.
But that is why allies have

or we get told to shut the fuck up if we try to help. 

Re: Sandy Hook - or we don’t look to people who make a living beating other people up for any sort of commentary outside of beating people up.
They get smacked in the head for a living, of course things they say will be nutty.

Yep. Just like, don’t make it obvious. My wife and her now dead grandmother would sneak in starbucks.
They brought a jacket and draped it over their arm. They looked awkward, only one time did they get stopped. The person saw it was an old lady who wanted her damn coffee, didn’t care at all.

who hurt you

Father of the Year. Prophetic

More so being an unstable person who can’t control their emotions, but whatever makes you sleep better. 

So physical violence is the appropriate response to having a plot point told to you? You are VERY sane. Very sane indeed. 

Those clowns either put her up to it. The same logo on the wall as the one girls shirt is all you need to know for that.
This is a covert hit on a dumb person. 

It’s a three day event that was put into place to further the NFL’s reach on the off season. It can be done in one day quite easily, even if it is televised.

And I am the cross over of people who would watch the draft AND be first in line to see Endgame. I did neither this year.

And I might add that the overlap of people watching the draft and people going to see a comic book movie on opening night is very low.

And why watch the draft when you can just get the ESPN updates as it happens? Televising the draft is a waste. 

Total buried lede when I would guess 70% of his audience only consumes the written version of his work. 

Ah, so it has to be done out in public to be valid?
So am I a fraud for saying I take shits? I’ve never done it in public (in my adult life that is)
In the same vein, do people who are now out “get a pass” if they pretended to be straight as teenagers/young adults?
Fuck off with your bullshit. 

they “push” what they think you will like. But it’s not pushing though, it’s algorithmic probabilities. If you like Parks and Rec you will like Community. If you like Futurama you will like Disenchanted.

I love when people bitch about a service “pushing” things on them. 

And where they evaluate how many people are actually watching the show.