Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

If it’s “something you can leave running in the background” you don’t really watch or like the show. 

10 episodes is PLENTY for a good story teller, whether it’s 60 min or 30.
Disenchantment just plain sucked. Shows on streaming services don’t have the luxury that cable/over the air shows have - hiding in obscurity because they are on at a good time.
Netflix knows exactly who watches what and for how long, I even bet

You mean Sling?

No, blowing a 2 game lead in the playoffs THEN blowing a 3 point lead in game 7 is playoff changing.

As a non-hockey watcher, I have no clue if that should have been a major, but I do know Vegas fucked themselves. 

lol, prove that it’s dead. 

So the letter writer continues to patron a business that routinely brings out the wrong order? Makes sense.

Where is all this afraid to say what’s up coming from. You ordered something specific, they didn’t deliver. Ask them to bring you what you ordered. If they routinely do that, stop going there. You are rewarding

It’s population control, but in the other direction. Instead of these guys going out shooting all willy nilly, they are taken to a specific place to shoot a certain number of animals.

As for his PR, that’s his business. 

Well if there is a guilty 1/3 of the party out there, I hope you are contacting the correct authorities to address this issue instead of just bitching on the internet.
That would be the proper thing to do if you thought a wrong was done. 

How is it bad for hunting as a whole?

What dead shark?

I’ll second dorothyjabariparker’s anecdote.
My wife and I are down to around $11K left in student debt. That’s just me. Her parents put away a bunch and are business owners doing very well so they were able to pay the remainder that wasn’t saved for.
If we didn’t spend the last 7 years paying down this debt, we would

You’re right, you are not the police, you are the court of YOUR opinion, which is wrong. You’re also making inflammatory statements about someone’s intent, which you know no reason to assume is opposite of what they say.
Fishermen fish all the time, catch something, take a picture, and then send it back. All with the

Outside of the double reply, I did not say the same thing twice?
I addressed your point about politicians buying info. I am not giving the info to the politician, I am giving it to a private company with full knowledge and permission that they can sell that.
I’m not some tin foil hat wearing person that is super

Well yes, but what does that have to do with this article?

You got proof to any of that? The fact that he wasn’t charged with anything shows he in fact did what he was supposed to. 

Conversely, stop following him. You have full control of your Instagram. Stop looking at his and you will solve your problem.

Let people live their own goddamn fucking life. Him hunting in that fashion hurts you in exactly zero ways. 

Consider yourself lucky

First, apologies for the double reply. Haven’t been on as much and catching up.

Second, I am still giving the info to a private company, not the government. If I have a fear of what info I volunteer, I would not use those services. 

Some things we will never know. 

To the government sure. To a company that I volunteer that info, no.