Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

Your imagination would be wrong, so very wrong

My thoughts exactly.

Now this is the Rude Negro that I’ve been missing in the comments! Welcome back!

Literally everyone I know has Venmo, so the odds are in my favor.

Bald Bryan? Is that you? Anyone who listens to the Adam Carolla Show will know he mentioned on air today that he did this exact thing.

How is it different from letting a friend borrow a game?

Did you read the source articles? There’s a lot of “They” talk, “They” being the government. Not the prisoners.

I missed where the prisoners were getting blamed?

I was full on ready to read those articles and see quotes saying ‘IT’S THE INMATES FAULT’ But I see absolutely zero of that. I see “They are more concerned with appeasing the inmates than making sure we get paid” or “They are using federal workers in a game of chicken” (They being the government)

The CLOSEST it gets to

Right? How many times is this (and the sister sites) just a “Thing happened, CLICK HERE TO READ MORE, but we’re going to give you our opinion without giving you the full story”

It was not a 30 something year old man going after someone half his age. When this video was shot, in 2010, he was 24. Seven years older. Not double the woman’s age.

But regardless, to your point, the legal age of consent has a lot to do with this topic in this situation. Let’s see what Colorado’s laws are:

Dude knows how to maximize time eating two burritos, what’s wrong with that?

Fully agree with you here. I listen through old episodes of Love Line and they had at least 2 fake calls a week. Every now and then either Drew or Adam would go, "this sounds fake, but let's pretend it isn't" or they would flat out say its fake but that it's a common issue so here's the answer. 

Legally? It has a lot to do with it. 

Did you watch the video? How it is being described is not how it happened. Skeevy, sure, but not illegal

Your husband is younger than your son?!

Her age most definitely is the issue. It's even in the headline

Or those kids walk in with their shitty friends in 10 years like they own the place. Are obnoxious to staff and dont tip. THEY’RE FAMILY after all!

You're worse than Sam

Or maybe you’re bringing your own feelings into this. If the rest of the interview was condescending, show that. But your clip shows logical questions to her positions.