Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

I mean, he did pose as one, with a hat, salute and finger mustache

Might be helpful to give the original title in the post. But what do I know, I’m just someone that clicked on this article to read it for infotainment.

I didn’t know his twitter until this comment section, but I think it makes it slightly less funny for me.

I can get the “let’s get on twitter and rub a quick-gif out...just going to type it in the search and DAMNIT! FUCK FUCK FUCK...IT’S ALREADY GETTING LIKES..IT’S GOT TO BE SCREENSHOT BY NOW...fuck it, leave it up. I

Jon, you’ve never searched for material on Twitter, have you?

This is one of, NAY THE BEST! word play comment ever. (today)

Sorry they didn’t John Wayne into the place, but they did help. 

Or, keep track of your cup. It should never be more than arms distance away from you. 

I was hoping for some humor, but none is to be found here. 

Sure it’s sad, but think about it. When they say there have been 307 mass shootings in 311 days, that leads one to believe there were 307 large quantity deaths and injuries.

But this includes a shooting involving 4 people outside a deli. 5 people involved in a home invasion, etc.

My bleak point is that we should

There’s too many, but there is not a mass shooting every week. What has been called a mass shooting as of late is not a mass shooting as we would picture it - Walking into a public place and lighting it up.

While I am firmly for some sort of change in how firearms are handled here, I say the above to try to bring

Why you didn’t hear it, my theory at least, is that a Good Guy With A Gun (TM) AND former NRA firearms instructor, actually helped in this situation. And another good guy helped finish it off. Sure, the media could go on and on about how bad guns are, but a Good Guy with an AR was there to help take care of the guy

I am happy to report they do still make twin cherries 

There’s two of us!

Let’s hope he does for tomorrow morning

With all disrespect, you’re father is a terrible person

I think it’s just a run of the mill troll - evidence “O’Riley”

I’ve introduced King of the Hill to my wife over the last month or so. She fell in love from episode one, saying how great it was. I was like “Sug, just you wait”

That’s awfully age-ist of you. Assuming kids aren’t giving thought to what they are doing. 

NO! I wasn’t crying I was...smoking...weed...YEA SMOKING WEED BEFORE WORK NOT WATCHING PIXAR SHORTS!

I think it was the “If you leave don’t come back” kind of thinking.

Or holding on to what you want your child to be vs what they have become