Magaryan Mazada of West Central Glendale

Correct take until you get into the spicy kind. 

Oh, you meant a specialty product. Going to have to go to a specialty supplier for those. 

Curious...what “regular product” isn’t at walmart?

Why would you deserve 2 free months of Prime because of a very small screw up? Refunding that order sure, but 2 free months? Come on.

Save some smug for the rest of us!

Yep, guy does not want a smart speaker, he wants bluetooth speakers. 

I’m looking for that evidence too

I’m curious too, how is hipster hate code for homophobia and misogyny?

None of these “trends” are trends. 

Went into this when the article was posted, but please, do not bring along or come to a thing you were not specifically invited to. Sometimes there is a space constraint, sometimes it’s personality clashes, other times a friend wants input from one person specifically.

More does not equal merrier, it usually equals

Just pull the ol’ Costanza - Look annoyed all the time. People think you are busy

These are not problems at the location I shop at. 

Target here is the dumpster fire. All the moms moseying around without a care, only 2 lines open, the 6 self checkout are open, but these moms don’t know how to use them so I am in line for 30 minutes.

Now I know you’re just being contrarian. Wal-Mart is a lot of things, but unorganized is not one of them.

What Wal-Mart have you walked into. Sure, there are busy times, but I have never seen people act like the place was on fire. Everyone is just trying to shop.

Can’t forget all the WVU photos. It’s almost like he is on staff or very close to staff. 

Save some of the fun for the rest of us, selfish! 

Fuck off, no it doesn’t.

It’s definitely an old school way of thinking. Many conservatives are “old school” so I think that solves it for you.  

Alcohol becomes sugar. Your liver is a meritocracy. It doesn’t give a shit what type of sugar you put it.