
CNN tries to turn themselves into a gormless ‘embrace debate’ cesspool where racist nutbaggery gets equal time with thoughtful, bland centrism and THIS is the thanks they get? There are unicellular organisms in the methane pools of Titan that have more political knowledge than Wolf Blitzer!


Drunk sex is rape to many jezzies so I can kind of see how it’s problematic. But this is reaching to say the least.

These are the best 30 kickers in the world according to alt-left Deadspin. Something about this doesn’t seem right! #MAKEKICKERSGREATAGAIN

I’m allured by Manhattan private schoos, too. As long as they don’t give me a wedgie.

Am I the only one who’s finally entered the 5th stage of grief: acceptance? I mean, it’s not a feeling of 100% acceptance. It’s like 25% acceptance, 75% anger, but I think this is as high of an “acceptance to anger” ratio that I’m going to get.

Mike Pence is a great man. #MAGA

So much irony.


But after making the block, if Randolph turned back to the court instead of looking into the crowd, he might have blocked Dorsey again instead of allowing to Dorsey to score. I know. I’m that guy. But I think Dorsey staying with the play is the lede.

...and then contributes to giving up a basket on the put-back to the guy he blocked because he was staring down the crowd.

Followed up by a terrible defensive play! 

Cool, thanks for these links.

Christina - Don’t even start with Buzzfeed bullshit titles for your articles, please.

Please do not start a post with “This Weird trick...”I’m sure you’re a better writer than that

Or IO9, or Kotaku, or Lifehacker. Somebody really needs to take some responsible editorial control over there. It’s not like that ‘You may also like’ box is under sane human control

So this article is just letting Gov employees document what they fear will happen then? I mean, we all expect Trump to be a debacle but should we maybe wait until he does something to to get upset or are we just going to write fear mongering articles based on nothing forever?

So this really isn’t in Trump Tower?

So it is official now that I cannot look at Gizmodo on my lunch break because the motherfucking front page will have porn on it?!

what the fuckity fuck happened to “NSFW”?????!