
He came close to getting us an avenue for cheaper drugs the other night, until the dems did it in. corporate dems are a cancer. so beholden to their donors that they cant get anything done.

After reading the above comments(I agreee with you) it’s the reason I can’t take a lot of the people whom the party I was aligned with seriously. I voted for Hillary out of faith that trump would not win(I knew he was going to win I never underestimate hate and stupidity). but in the long run she was someone who was

So Bernie wasn’t supposed to campaign against Hillary, eh? And having universal healthcare insurance is somehow a bad thing?

Bernie went where Hillary and her team told him to go - he joined her campaign and did her bidding. He did “hit the trail” for her, pretty hard actually.

“instead of saying that Hillary was a good person at hear and we could trust her, he said nothing. He went to Vermont and sulked.

What on earth are you talking about? Bernie went to Michigan, Arizona, New Hampshire, Maine... even as she was canceling campaign stops. A large chunk of his followers abandoned him and booed him while he was campaigning for her. Even the Washington Post was so confident in Hillary’s victory, they published an article