Mafalda patiperra

I hate it when people say, “I’m moving to Canada!” Odds are, we don’t want you either. Canada is not your safe space when things don’t go your way.

Right there with you. <3 I’m skipping Thanksgiving this year because I don’t trust myself to not tell each and every one of my Trump-supporting asshole relatives exactly what I think of them in painstaking detail. I’ve been taking my rage out on my friends’ uber-conservative “friends” on FB (I’m talking religious

Same.every Trump supportingmember of my family is getting a membership to the NAACP this holiday season. And Im answering every hateful post they make on sociel media. No more unfollow/unfrinding for me. Time to educate

I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.

On election day this week, I found out that I got an interview with Boeing for a paid internship this summer. I was elated. It is literally the path to my dream job. I was prepared to get smashingly drunk that night to celebrate getting an interview opportunity and seeing the first woman President. We bought champagne

Gosh, I know right? Too bad there was no warning he might not be great beforehand.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows

SAME. You’re right; he was just brimming with arrogance about his choice. Plus, of course he had to say he didn’t see much difference between Clinton and Trump. Dude, better to remain silent and be thought a fool... So, yeah, fuck him. I hope he realizes what he’s done and feels incredibly guilty.


In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.

Because you can only ever care about one set of rights at once. Also, people can never be part of more than one category of discriminated-against persons. No siree. Laverne Cox is just an elegant figment of our collective imaginations. /s

And his supporters are still on the team. Remember when his base said our president was going around apologizing for America? The America he hates? They were worried the rest of the world would laugh at us? Why are they not embarrassed by this creep? He lies. He has 5 kids by 3 wives, he’s had affairs, he’s

Halloween rolls around every year and you just wonder which clueless white semi-celebrity will be stupid enough to wear blackface or something similarly offensive. It never fails.

Speaking as a trans woman, I know exactly what you mean. I used to be able to carry a 5-gallon water jug in each hand and not overly exert myself, but these days getting just one into the house using both hands is a notable task. Testosterone is a powerful drug.

Ah yes of course, an enormously privileged (since birth) white lady who’s succeeded at a series capitalistic endeavors must be inherently feminist and therefor of value or relevance to me personally as a person who is also a woman, regardless of anything else about her or her work. I always forget that somehow.

If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.

If Kim Kardashian comes out with a really thoughful op-ed on this election I may have to shoot myself.

Garden-variety Narcissists basically lack theory of mind (understanding that other people have perspectives different from theirs).

I get the feeling that if you want Trump to consider you a quality lay, you’ve got to keep telling him that he’s bigger than his father.

What’s a “manger”?