The claim being made is that all three medalists in this particular contest are rumored to be intersex.
The claim being made is that all three medalists in this particular contest are rumored to be intersex.
I think these two cases are different. The underlying issue with Caster is that there’s speculation she’s intersex with internal testes, more male than female in the opinion of quite a few of her competitors. And since we segregate most sports by gender, she shouldn’t be allowed to compete with some form of inhibitor.
So anyone who identifies as a woman should be able to to compete in women’s events? Because that is a world in which genetically born women just can’t compete.
If testosterone wasn’t a defining advantage, it wouldn’t be banned. There are plenty of legal supplements that give ‘slight advantages’ b12 shots, for example. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not that simple.
I’m willing to wage large sums of money that Joanna Harper is way, way more informed than any commentator on this article, or even the Jezebel author.
I linked my source. But I should know better than to expect people to actually read. That’s a quote from Joanna Harper. From the link:
Her gender is as she defines it, and she identifies as a woman. That isn’t disputed, nor should it be. For better or for worse though competition is separated by sex not gender, and she is intersex. If you divide a sport into different classes, at some point you have to delineate those classes into meaningful,…
There’s no height distinction in sports, so tossing out Phelps and Bolt doesn’t really work.
In fact two of the three medalists in the 800 meter race at the recent indoor world championships are probably intersex.
On what basis?
I think the argument is more that Semenya should be competing against men instead of women. IIRC, she has internal testicles and is intersex.
Yes I am aware... I had several rounds of IVF and had to give blood every two days for my hormone levels to be scrutinized; which is why I know that you can’t dismiss the powerful effects that hormones (and not just testosterone) have on the body.
Can’t we all just be woke enough to accept the fact that a female Olympic contender with testicles will always be a faster runner than a female Olympic contender who has been saddled with ovaries?
The issue here is that Semenya’s testosterone levels are beyond that 10 nmol/L...which is already significantly beyond what the “average” woman’s levels are, even a woman with PCOS. Semenya also had internal testes and was (if I remember correctly) XY. She was raised female based on her external genitalia. Her…
caster isnt the only athelte suspected to have elevated testorone levels. the first 3 , wambui and the burindi woman, are also suspected
Not really. She’s intersex. She’s not fighting her body to feminize it by taking hormones, but she’s not supplementing her body either through doping. She just is existing as herself. It’s tricky as fuck. There’s a reason men and women have separate categories for racing, and unfortunately there isn’t an in between or…
But by that logic, why doesn’t she compete against men? If she doesn’t fit into the sex binary, and her hormones levels are closer to that of a man, surely that would make more sense? She wouldn’t need to alter her natural testosterone levels at all.
This woman retains internal testicles that give her an unfair advantage over other female athletes.
I’m not sure how you could possibly think that, unless you’re willfully ignoring things. Two mins of googling produces this:
Here is my question: is a female athlete allowed to supplement her testosterone levels to match her hyperandrogenic rivals? Because if the answer is ‘no’ then they are stating that testosterone DOES have an effect on performance. You can’t have it both ways.
As far as I’m aware, Caster’s testosterone level is three times that of the average woman. If you’re going to allow her to race against women without taking any hormone blockers, what’s the point in separating sport by sex in the first place?