Oh, for crying out loud...
Oh, for crying out loud...
A giant industrial spool of fiber optic cable fell off a truck and went cruising down the Houston highway yesterday.
This selfless chicken cyborg is offering up itself to people in nugget-sized portions at a time.
I really wanted to believe this guy just has a HUGE 1 Yen coin and other large props. But, man, those model boxes and newspapers are outstanding.
They need a better evacuation plan.
EXACTLY. This was a lousy example for both sides of the misogynist fence to fall on their sword over. I blame the irate Internet douchebags first and foremost who just loathed the thing before ever seeing the final film, but I also throw some blame over on Paul Feig and Co, who quickly latched on to any criticism as…
Honestly, I don’t even remember the plot. It just wasn’t good. I was never really on board with it. Not because of the male/female thing...but because it was completely unnecessary...and they pretty much proved that.
It’s a shame that there’s no way of saying that Ghostbusters is a lazy, sloppy, jumped-up SNL sketch without instantly finding yourself in the trenches of the culture wars alongside Milo Yiannopoulis.
There’s a Dredd show in the works, but no word on cast. Urban has said he’s interested, but that doesn’t mean much.
EA Exec: “Hey, guys, I heard the Warcraft 3 remaster got a lot of preorders!”
Well, if what they said in the reddit thread holds true, they won’t be getting one. Rather they’re... collaborating?
Oh Jesus let it die alr- Frank Klepacki?! TAKE ALL MY MONEY.
I love that when I started the video the guy literally said exactly what was in my head, bring back Frank Klepacki!
Tough shit, chuckles!