I’m trying to think if I ever, growing up, heard anyone in Texas complain whenever a map of “Tejas” was shown.
I’m trying to think if I ever, growing up, heard anyone in Texas complain whenever a map of “Tejas” was shown.
If even China is willing to just call it the Sea of Japan, there’s really no debate left to be had. South Korea is really making a name for itself as being petty and thin-skinned when it comes to how they get along with other countries.
At first, it looked like the flag was attached to the spool.
Alf: “If I’m the gas bag, how come you’re the one with all the hot air?”
PSA: You do not mind a refurb.
PSA: You do not mind a refurb.
You never need to take off the 4G!
Let the harmonica hating commence!
Though, don’t expect a full-scale Gundam with a range of movements, able to strut about and blow shit up.
The Last Jedi was still a good movie, despite everything. Some of the individual scenes in that film are the absolute best moments in Star Wars. Were it not for the obvious issues that would have spotted in a single additional test screening, it could have easily been the best Star Wars film of all time.
If you had replaced them with the ORIGINAL cast, instead of wasting them on bit cameos, the movie would still suck.
We do the same kind of thing. Robots never ever *need* to look human or even be anthropomorphized. But we do it anyways. Voice assistants don’t *need* to tell jokes or be witty, but we program those human traits into them anyways.
The first was great, the second was brilliant, and the third was... alright. Even EA probably realizes that it would be pushing their luck.
Live action cutscenes or we riot!
He looks like someone who totally cosplayed as Negan last year.
Toad looks like they repurposed a bunch of old Aladdin costumes that wouldn’t sell.
Don’t give SEGA any ideas for the next Yakuza game.
Dude... Foreigners in Japan do a LOT of things that make those of us who actually respect this country and its customs look bad. This is, by far, one of the least among them.
Thanks for the tip.
Just like when Tsukiji first opened, everything is new and practical. It was never built to feel cozy or look kewl. That’s just the nostalgic tint everyone put on it as the decades passed.
The answer to this one is simple enough to fit inside a fortune cookie: