
Roddenberry would have been intrigued by the idea of Section 31, but he never would have made the mistake of making it the central plot of an entire TV series.

I’m trying to think if I ever, growing up, heard anyone in Texas complain whenever a map of “Tejas” was shown.

If even China is willing to just call it the Sea of Japan, there’s really no debate left to be had. South Korea is really making a name for itself as being petty and thin-skinned when it comes to how they get along with other countries.

At first, it looked like the flag was attached to the spool.

Alf: “If I’m the gas bag, how come you’re the one with all the hot air?”

We need Nicolas Cage as an airline pilot looking forlorn at everyone.

I want everyone to understand how GOOD this news is.

SAC was objectively the high watermark for the franchise. With the original Shirou Manga and the PlayStation game coming in close second.

Maybe there’s some licensing snag that this new deal will help clear up?

You took the words right out of my mouth. My origin story is very similar to yours. I’ve always liked David Tennant as The Doctor, even though I have never seen an entire episode of Doctor Who until the premier of this season. I, too, picked what seems to be the best time to become a Whovian.

Yes, that’s Pym’s van. Which means he’s got a mobile laboratory with a quantum gateway device in there.

Jesus Christ, Kinja!

“Scott, why are there ten Nintendo Switches and a pallet of Goldfish crackers in the back?”

The existence of the PonoPlayer is evidence of the darkest timeline.

“I don’t know how that idiot got a hold of a Zune in space, but here I am; listening to Crosby, Stills, & Nash.”

One of the advantages of the American interstate network is that you can avoid every single population center if you so desire. That thing is probably using a blown up Duracell for power, so no need for gas stations.

Or Culver City, it’s hard to tell sometimes. :P

Giuliani is my mom when she tells me that email read receipts are hacking her computer.

These days, people like us who have only two or three tabs open at one time are the weirdos.

Scrooge: “Bah humbug!”