
Rebels, as a whole, didn’t grab me until the end of season 1. But there were individual moments in Rebels (Obi-Wan’s holocron message, the John William’s stinger as Kanan perks up when he feels Ezra nearby via the Force) that promised me that the Star Wars magic would soon manifest itself in the entire show. And it

This whole movie is going to be made in editing and re-editing.

There’s no way this doesn’t have something to do with Disney’s impending streaming service. It is completely out of the blue, and runs counter to the reception for season 2.

Thanks for the tip.

Just like when Tsukiji first opened, everything is new and practical. It was never built to feel cozy or look kewl. That’s just the nostalgic tint everyone put on it as the decades passed.

Death Star Destroyed

For all those people you have to buy gifts for that could just as well be killed in a freak sledding accident.

I genuinely can’t tell if they’re being serious or taking a piss with that song.

Now playing

Yeah, that’s how it starts... Not how it ends.

While I agree that most current DC movies deserve to be losing money, they are earning almost as much as Marvel films are. Even the outright failures like Suicide Squad made several times what they cost to create.

It’s really the fault of one person at Disney; Chairman Alan Horn. He has the clout to be blindly supported, even though it was openly apparent he made a huge mistake.

Doctor Who knows how to keep the original style, while at the same time updating the quality so that it works for modern audiences, Star Wars knows how to keep the original style, and doesn’t even really update it at all yet it still works for modern audiences. There’s no reason Star Trek can’t do the same.

60s design would have been a little simpler, yes. But the changes like metal department badges, metal rank stripes, and the asymmetrical collars get two thumbs up from me. It just looks right, it looks like something Gene would have signed off on.

I think that’s just Garth’s vanity talking.

It’s always better to iterate on the wheel rather than try to reinvent it. Especially when you’re trying to convince people that it’s the same wheel from 50 years ago.

Gosling really looks like a young Alan Ruck for some reason.

Tilly is all of the sudden a quietly prominent character in the Star Trek universe now, even in the Mirror Universe. Without really even trying, she became a fan favorite and plays an important part in a Star Trek Online expansion.

All her moles got retconned due to the soft reboot.

That cover would feel right at home on a Perfect Dark comic.

“The wrong Georgiou died!”