
She should get promoted off the ship after this mission. Something-something outstanding performance in the line of duty/recommended by Pike/what-have-you.

Canon ships, canon uniforms, canon Klingons.

D7, K’tinga was a much larger variant created much later in time.

They’re not just randomly adding things to canon, those dice have been hanging on the Enterprise bridge since TOS!

None of those ships are scaled correctly to each other, FWIW.

On top of that, I swear I’ve heard that voice before... But I wouldn’t know from where.

“Oh, you still won’t stop calling me? Okay, I’ll play your game! How do you like it now, jerks, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT NOW!?!”

Grab ‘em by the gills.

Holy shit, actual jokes, levity, and humanity!

Killy is also going to have words with that holier-than-thou replicator.

The walruses destroying the penguins never failed to leave me and my family in stitches.

It’s better animation than The Dragon Prince... Better than Secret Warriors. And even though I know I’ll be fine with it, I prefer the animation in this trailer over Star Wars: Resistance.

“Argh! You have found Stiltman’s only weakness... low clearance hallways!”

They’re getting better at it, slowly.

The answer to this one is simple enough to fit inside a fortune cookie:

That sounds like something that would get your name added to a database.

That sounds like something that would get your name added to a database.

In spite of everything, Elon Musk has not yet reached a point where he needs to be defended by Kanye West.

Kanye is creative. You don’t necessarily have to be smart to be creative.

If someone said that to you, you would be upset. You would conclude it stemmed from bigotry in some way.

“She’s got it where it counts.” - “This baby’s still got a few tricks left in her sweet heart.” - “I have your word - Not a scratch.”