
“Inertial dampeners have failed, Captain.”

The Expanse even does crewmembers named Tilly better.

Yeah, the construct went from “you can move slowly” to “no more moving”.

Now playing

1. Very nice trailer, considering what it’s for.

Woah, TIL K-Pop knows how to make Japanese City Pop throwback music.

They embody a living, breathing city. Every zig-zagging, one-lane street is there because it needed to be there. A lot of them follow the path of old rivers that dried up. So they used the ground as a footpath then eventually paved it over so automobiles could use them as well.

they killed off a gay person

Own medicine: Killing Doctor Culber was fine if you accepted the plot as it was instead of penalizing it for not being what you think it should have been.

This is literally Idiocracy.

Missiles and personal expense accounts, duh.

Star Trek: Discovery:

And the origins prequel: Maybe We Should Go

Whole thing looks like it was filmed on a sound stage. Who are they trying to fool?

This sucks because the man is clearly more talented than most at making media that captivates and makes people happy. Now he’s ruined it for millions and millions of people because he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. I’m not even about to burn half my Disney movie collection, but I’ll always feel that small tug of

You were suppose to respect your coworkers, not fondle them!

I don’t think Velcro would be able to withstand a super who’s keeping up with a jet liner.

A simple answer would be that, in the wake of a lack of super heroes, the police or the Army were given additional powers that allowed them to do more undercover operations, stings, and possibly even break the law to take the super villains out for good.

Kawaii, desu~

And it just wouldn’t be Akihabara without at least one middle-aged dude dressed as Sailor Moon walking around like nothing is happening.

“Poké-dance! Poké!”