
Male dolphin relationships are externally maintained records on top of their own internal identities? Dolphin LinkedIn.

The original run of Pokémon in the 90s referenced Super Sentai. It okay seems natural to make a pop culture nod the kids of the day would appreciate.

I can already feel the potential for after-episode shorts of The Adventures of Officer Morales.

Yeah, I’ve come to realize that strong Scifi absolutely must have lovable characters that interact well with each other. Doesn’t matter how cliche they are or how deep they get, they just have to be people you would enjoy spending a weekend with doing nothing in particular.

Speaking to the current state of “things”, my first exposure to the word “incel” was here on the Kinja network, being lobbed at someone in the comments as a pejorative.

Literally two inches from having his neck snapped by that tree.

OMG, Elon Musk is Edna Mode. That actually explains so much.

I never got what the fuss was all about, it’s just another 90s ensemble show that didn’t make it. I like Scifi more than most, but what makes Firefly deserving of the unflinching loyalty and devotion it gets?

In the bright universe; Donald Glover, Ellen DeGeneres, or David Tennett.

Donald Glover ... not deeply weird enough.


To be fair, most people want to forget that Lion King 2 ever happened. 1/2 was kind of cute, but 2 was during the darkest days of Disney cash-in sequels.

There was a time where I would go around and announce that I was underaged just to see what late-90s porn sites would do. I got sent to search engines, a Christian counseling site, and

Or just YouTube results for “elsa & spiderman”.

I dare them to reference Reddit in that movie.

The Trump era has everyone a little on edge.

The title of Disney Princess isn’t necessarily the rank of Princess.

So empowering... Are you sure you’re not from the Pixar universe?

No, for the reasons stated above. And I can’t find the videos I remember from several months ago. But these channels seem to do things in the same vein. Watch a bunch of these then see what YouTube starts recommending to you.

Yes, Marvel already mentioned that it definitely does. I meant come right out and explain that to the viewing audience.