
...a good Star Trek: The Next Generation video game

Snake: Colonal, this is bullshit! There were no female Metal Gear pilots during World War II!

Because I play video games where a WWII-era medkit instantly repairs multiple point-blank gunshot wounds to the chest for their perfect historical accuracy.

I would shank someone to be in a picture with the actual Rita, Goldar, and Scorpina!

All 400KB of it.

Apple’s gonna give you up,

At this point in time, all apps should be saving automatically upon close. Unless you turned that feature off.

She probably should have said, “Always prioritize safety over everything else, buy the safest car you can afford.”

You can probably still open this door.

Tidal is a dead music service walking.

No, if the Japanese police catch you doing something like this you will be anything between fined and deported.

Let’s consider Mary...

Suddenly Lobot makes a whole lot more sense.

Amos, you’re in time out!

Please be wearing that mustache in season 3!

American actors are generally not as brave as Chinese actors, they are on a whole other level of dedicated to their trade.

I noticed the glass floor but I didn’t see that it was the top of a built-over ancient temple. That’s some Forerunner (Halo series) architectural shit right there.

REPENT! The end is nigh!

I’ve been wanting that since Agent Carter went off the air. If ABC wasn’t such a dick to Marvel, there could have been a Legends of SHIELD series that detailed the time after the SSR converted to SHIELD and have Carter be the “mom” Director to all the new agents, including a teenaged Coulson.

What if the future where the world is destroyed and humanity survives in the Lighthouse is one of the futures Dr. Strange saw where the Avengers lose? Thanos snaps his fingers, half the universe evaporates, and in the ensuing confusion the Destroyer of Worlds (who survived the snap) splits the Earth apart.