
What do you mean “back”? Kenji Kawai did not work on the 2017 film. The music was written by Clint Mansell and performed by Lorne Balfe - including the remix of the original movie’s theme.

Did he ever stop to think that they’re all downtrodden because they live in Michigan?

Well, that escalated quickly. Glad to hear his injuries were most likely minor.

Too much Taco Bell will cause nausea and vomiting. Hell, sometimes an appropriate amount of Taco Bell will do the same thing. Everything in moderation.

Name checks out.

I love how they had to plaster “JUST SAY NO” on the cover, just to be on the safe side.

Ms. Ocean was a man??

Or stubborn. I lost interested in the middle of episode 1. It’s just more paint-by-number filler that doesn’t bring anything to the table and wasn’t asked for by anyone.

Jamie Bamber is both Lee Adama and the worst Lee Adama cosplayer ever.

Nerd Rage got me good.

Lookit dat chibi EDI!

Sensible, non-alarmist investigative reporting? On my Kinja?

That Rose cosplayer is a better Rose than Rose.

Came here for this, I’ll be going now...

Somewhere in the US, there has to be a city called or that sounds like “Going”.

Why not?

You keep doing what you’re doing, James.

Japan’s hobby is buying American brands and keeping the spirit alive.