
Well, that escalated quickly. Glad to hear his injuries were most likely minor.

Too much Taco Bell will cause nausea and vomiting. Hell, sometimes an appropriate amount of Taco Bell will do the same thing. Everything in moderation.

Name checks out.

I am not sure how necessary this film is (or most Pixar sequels) but it obviously looks like a ton of fun.

Everytime Pixar takes a property in a totally new direction people bitch about how it’s not the same. Cars 2 is considered apocrypha, Monsters U. is considered meh. I liked both of them, and I think some of Pixar’s totally unique films are more bland than the worst sequels, but now they’re gun shy to stray very far

I love how they had to plaster “JUST SAY NO” on the cover, just to be on the safe side.

This is already looking better than the Aladdin movie.

Ms. Ocean was a man??

- The Mormons drop bank on Tycho Station to build a colony ship for them.

He’s either gone completely senile, or this video was made under duress.

Or stubborn. I lost interested in the middle of episode 1. It’s just more paint-by-number filler that doesn’t bring anything to the table and wasn’t asked for by anyone.

Jamie Bamber is both Lee Adama and the worst Lee Adama cosplayer ever.

Nerd Rage got me good.

Lookit dat chibi EDI!

That was a worthwhile read.

Literal leeches and vampires.

Sensible, non-alarmist investigative reporting? On my Kinja?

That Rose cosplayer is a better Rose than Rose.