
I call bullshit on the cables in that picture being anything but CG.

I call bullshit on the cables in that picture being anything but CG.

Same thing apples have to do with computers. Just another friendly, disarming name to get people to learn to trust computers.

Today is one of those Respond-to-everything-with-a-comic days.

Right? Those deer have been biding their time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Hey, who are we to judge two (allegedly) consenting adults? Whatever floats their boat.

Humans shouldn’t have access to guns, period.

If you walk past it at night, you can hear the sound of Gateways rebooting.

Oh, they could have devoted three whole books to the Third War alone.

Where does it say that this is the final chapter? Sometime early on there was a report that suggested it will cover lore up to the Cataclysm. But even if it does catch all the way up to the present, World of Warcraft (especially Warcraft in general) is nowhere near finished.

The new warning signs inside the train are a little less cute.

‘Here, we drew every single car in the set just in case. What do you mean by, “obsessive”?’

I’m actually surprised by how young he was. Humanity’s average intelligence took a plunge today. Shame he had to go.

I really want to make a weed joke, but this is legitimately awesome.

*Covert agents.

I only click on Sunday Comics to read the drama in the comments anymore. Usually much funnier than the comics themselves.

A press release put out on the same day announces that Elmer Fudd will be taking over as CEO of the WcDonald’s Corporation.

I was surprised by the time travel when I read it in my feed and wondered how Kotaku would respond. Was not disappointed.

I was under the impression that Anna was the Bi in the family.

Rock trolls, amirite?

As out of place as it is to see the Major smiling like that, watching Batou eat ramen is a safe bet for something that could believably make her do so.