
“The hair is gold.”

I call bullshit on the cables in that picture being anything but CG.

I call bullshit on the cables in that picture being anything but CG.

Same thing apples have to do with computers. Just another friendly, disarming name to get people to learn to trust computers.

Give me a Mike Fahey pop, or give me death.

Today is one of those Respond-to-everything-with-a-comic days.

Right? Those deer have been biding their time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Hey, who are we to judge two (allegedly) consenting adults? Whatever floats their boat.

Humans shouldn’t have access to guns, period.

If you walk past it at night, you can hear the sound of Gateways rebooting.

Oh, they could have devoted three whole books to the Third War alone.

Damn, I want to hear the story of the person who was driving that silver car.

Where does it say that this is the final chapter? Sometime early on there was a report that suggested it will cover lore up to the Cataclysm. But even if it does catch all the way up to the present, World of Warcraft (especially Warcraft in general) is nowhere near finished.

It sneaks up on ya!

Blues Brothers reference acknowledged.

I might owe my sanity to podcasts.

Or just... keep some CDs in the car? Or tapes, or an old iPod, or whatever works.

Caps-locked serif subtitles that bleed into the footage not included.

You beat me to making literally the same comment!

Let’s use a crowd-sourced encyclopedia to fact check crowd-sourced video blogging. What could possibly go wrong?

Sorry that you need to make yourself like tea. I was indifferent to tea before living in Asia. The only thing I knew was the abomination known as American iced tea. With heaps of sugar. Now, thine eyes are open.