
“We need to get Lego focused on the right things,”


Disney is rumored to already be working on a cartoon series set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. Expect whatever that is to fill the void. Disney knows better than to let people forget about Star Wars... ever.

Amazon actually adding this as a feature to their site would be insanely dangerous and I’m shocked they haven’t done so already.

You can’t use that word, that’s OUR word!

I still can’t believe I live in the same universe where that game exists.

Well, everyone would at least be owed an apology.

I was surprised by the time travel when I read it in my feed and wondered how Kotaku would respond. Was not disappointed.

Ice prevents man from looking at ice.

Oh, great. They’re doing damage control now.

You joke...

Sadly, it seems like some of the people who have the best ideas can be the worst for seeing them to fruition. Had Roddenberry not died so early on, I think he would have turned into the George Lucas of Star Trek; Despised by fans for ruining the very beloved thing he had created. Star Trek could have had a Prequel

File that one under “Hey we found this unused TOS script”.

I was under the impression that Anna was the Bi in the family.

Rock trolls, amirite?

Deep Space Nine is the best example of how to make such an old and dated idea like Star Trek and bring it into the present in a way that doesn’t forsake the principals it stands for.

TNG wasn’t universally bad until season 4, what with episodes like Measure of a Man. But boy oh boy did it have some of the worst examples of Star Trek. And all the way into season 7, too, with that one Daniel Steele episode with Doctor Crusher.

“DS9 was the first Star Trek to mainly be about Star Trek rather than humanity or philosophy or green tits. And was the first to depart from the trademark Trek feel”

Tardigrades as any indication to themselves, they would survive in stasis until the coating dissolved naturally, then go right back about their business.