
He’s not Fred anymore. -I’m- Fred now.

She looks like she can’t breathe.

“Sir, we can’t reboot ReBoot.”

You are right to point that out, yet in a fit of industrial-strength irony you typed “trooper” three times and each time spelled it differently!

iZombie, I have missed you SO MUCH!

Definitely part of the Kelvin Universe (with thrusters on the ends of the warp nacelles), but much more down to Earth compared to Pike’s brand new ship. This was about a decade before Pike took command of the new Enterprise. As to why...

If it had just been the visuals, then that would be right. But the visuals are just one part of a complete overhaul that’s actually not an overhaul but a clone of the Kelvin movies. Ships and people and events that have never been heard of, different looks and behavior for ships and people that did exist...

They wouldn’t have to. The Warcraft III engine is still serviceable and receiving updates. Otherwise, they could use the new Starcraft Remastered engine they just built.

That’s... not the worst thing ever done to Star Wars.

Now playing

I can’t see her singing and not hear Robert Miles, thanks to this old AMV.

I am both relieved and confused at how fast io9 turned around on Discovery.

I most certainly do not. I never skip that sequence when it comes on. It’s required viewing for all Trek fans, there will be a test at the end of the week.

Wrong! The catapults moved because of their faith in God! You are fake news!

“Actual Yuri on Ice”?

The Kelvin movies did a very good job of showing how massive the Enterprise (and other ships comparably) were. Most notably when the Enterprise is rising from the water on Nimbus and when the dead saucer section is upended, landing on spy girl.

That’s a stupid reason to exclude it. We saw just as little of the Kelvin Enterprise-A and that’s on the list.

In unrelated news, Cinemark experienced a noticable downtick in ticket sales.

A part of me is excited and thinks it looks really good.

Not a porg?

One does not simply recast Gary Oldman.