
For legal reasons, CBS cannot say this Star Trek is anything but part of the Prime Universe. Because that’s all they have ownership of. Even if every single visual cue is that of JJ Abram’s rebooted aesthetic, they can never verbally admit it.

Discovery is in a unique position. We know the Enterprise, we even know Captain Pike, but we’ve only see one, single mission of his Enterprise. And that mission was largely retconned to make an episode involving Kirk’s Enterprise.

I rewatched the premier episodes again, and everything about Discovery grew on me far more than I thought it would have. The sets, the characters, even the stiff and clipped writing, I was totally content with all of it... until Burnham inexplicably bertrays her Captain and tries to destroy an entire ship without

There have been worse first seasons (The Next Generation, Voyager), but it was not the best. I still hold that Deep Space Nine, for all its initial faults, is the most ready-baked as any Star Trek has ever been during its maiden voyage. DS9 broke tons of new ground including shattering the assumption of a

Acquired for 540 petabytes of blockchain.

Also, the only eye that really mattered in that movie:

“What’s his problem?”

Tell that to Sarek. Poor guy has had a great many faces at this point.

That’s the second-biggest burn Admiral Pike has ever gotten.

Star Trek continuity is wacky as it is without something that would make it look like this is the Kelvin timeline.

A fool and his money...

You might want to give up Shatner, he’s very high in cholesterol and mostly gristle.

If that little coda with the Enterprise weren’t in the episode, the vast majority of fans would be singing a different tune.


We can only hope. She’s the one in their relationship that hates pets.

You’ve been here for almost a full lunch break if you’re shocked that this site posts hateful things.

Well said.

It’s abundantly clear now that this is the unaltered Kelvin universe. Direct design progression from the the NX Enterprise (look at those beautiful warp nacelles), but no Narada terrorizing the alpha quadrant for 20 years forcing the Federation to be more... excessive with their technological advances.

I don’t regret watching it, not too much anyways. But if I had paid money for a whole service just for this one show, I would have been angry at myself.

He also needs to mod his car so it’s actually a Tesla inside.