Unpopular Star Wars-Opinion Porg
Unpopular Star Wars-Opinion Porg
During late night sessions with my friends, we would always double over in laughter at how the guards simply would not stop making extra sure Bond was dead. If only their movie counterparts were that thorough.
Black Mirror’s season 4 premier, “USS Callister” was a dark take on future technology dressed up as The Original Series and controlled by a sociopath. And even that was a more interesting and optimistic spin on Star Trek than CBS’ Discovery.
From Seth himself: There will be no musical episode, but there might be an episode involving communicating through music.
Never EVER underestimate Rexxar!
Japan sells pedal-less bikes for young kids, and that’s essentially how they learn. However, in typical Asian style, most Japanese kids go from those 8" wheels to full-sized adult bikes (with factory-squeaky brakes and everything) and just have to figure it out. It works for them, though.
I also learned quicker practicing in my spacious backyard instead of the neighborhood sidewalk or driveway.
Oh god, throw it back! Throw it back!
The last few new strips have been rather simplistic and straightforward. I think Cecilia & Fei are getting the hint.
Monopoly is family-friendly until someone puts hotels on Boardwalk.
Can you imagine someone making an All Your Base reference today and having it land?
Felt a little like a slight towards Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Yeah, they will definitely remain untouched by the time you return.
It’s still available on the SNES original. ;)
Most of us are at an age where every console prior to the ‘Cube was probably thrown out or sold by our parents.
List of things he didn’t have fully rendered and programmed at the time.