
This is interesting considering that writing for a fourth Kelvin movie is already underway. That they’re talking about “assembling” a writers room and that it would probably not be Quinton’s next movie, makes it sound like a potential fifth Kelvin movie unrelated to the currently-rumored time travel sequel.

This has me seriously considering playing through the trilogy again.

Remember that this game is EA, and that Mass Effect 3 in particular was rushed out and got severe backlash for having an incomplete endgame.

It’s a higher reading level than most web comics, but at least they include visual gags so everyone gets something out of it.

I know it’s suppose to be a good game, but I could never get into Weeb Tactics. I just don’t gel with that kind of gameplay.

That those were your first thoughts.

People don’t remember that lengthy “shorts” prior to movies (not even related to what was being shown) used to be the norm.

Yaphit thought he got lucky, he absorbed Darulio’s pheromones and Claire couldn’t resist him.

Watch them both all over again. :)

Well, they did just promote the navigator to chief of engineering. Ala Geordi LaForge between the first and second season of The Next Generation.

It’s really sad when TV written for tweens outshines the cinematic might of Warner Bros.

It will be like the discount on Amazon electronics, so just 10% more to turn off the ads.

To clarify, I was talking about the people who visit theme parks. I know that OLC can’t put down the kind of capital that Disney itself can, but they still manage to do more with less.

Not that I come to Kinja expecting much beyond inconsequential intellect, but I do expect grade-school level reading comprehension.

Japan has the added benefit of not being California. No offense to California, but the Japanese spend casino-grade amounts of money on theme parks.

I was starting to wonder when they would actually pull the trigger on a third park. Not the theme I was expecting though. I was thinking Star Wars.

It is estimated to open to the public in 2020. Construction began just this year.

Best part is, it’ll work.

They have a contractural obligation to say that as often as possible. Just like how they keep saying the 2011 disaster in Fukushima had multiple meltdowns and explosions. After a while, I imagine it gets very repetitive. So don’t expect them to include that tidbit with any kind of grammatical finesse.

What is that even from?