
TOS was retconned and rebooted by Gene himself when they did TMP.

Has any of the commentariat kept up with the series? I’m curious as to what folks are thinking.

Oh, but we have Halloween AND Christmas displays up at the same time now.

Man, I remember the first convertibles when I worked at CompUSA in 2002. Fifteen years they’ve been trying to make them a thing.

There are two kinds of humans. Humans who are willing to eat imperfect-looking food, and humans that have never known what going hungry feels like.

What’s really going on is the same thing that happens for literally every single iPhone launch. Unsubstantiated rumors insist on delays and manufacturing problems, declare that the sky is falling, and the worst possible thing that ends up happening is that Apple launches a product with constrained supply for a few

Girls should be allowed to join the Boy Scouts, and boys should be allowed to join the girl scouts.

This deserves to be a weekend TV special. Excellent work.

It’s been discussed in length many times. Basically the only real problem is Spiderman’s “Eight years later” line. It’s actually easy to understand how they made that mistake. Eight years before the events of Homecoming was the first Iron Man movie. Someone confused The Avengers with the beginning of the MCU itself.

Not at all. I read it as a completely deadpan response and got a good laugh.

That would make a lot of sense to me.

Most timely and most accurate, we have a winner.

I think you’re right. I was looking at the GIF on my phone.

Someone put some Deal With It glasses on that Formula 1.

That would be cool. But she’s busy right now.

Looked like a custom job built using alien tech. Not your daddy’s Ohio-class submarine.

Superman Returns was a pretty good movie, let’s be honest. Especially in light of Snyder’s spectacle.

Grant: “Also, it’s pronounced “Puerto Rico”. Only a complete idiot would use an accent like that.”

I wanna know how many more SHIELD actors is Supergirl going to steal.

Facebook’s machine learning hasn’t gotten around to the term “tone deaf” yet, I see.