As a Porsche fan, I can very easily imagine spending my race car dollars elsewhere.
As a Porsche fan, I can very easily imagine spending my race car dollars elsewhere.
Rag and bone? Well shit, now I have to listen to The White Stripes on the way home (in like 5 minutes). I mean, that’s a good thing, but you just sealed the deal for me.
I’m not sure if I’m sad for humanity that someone made the effort to burn a CD of Creed, or happy that at least they didn’t buy it.
You give a Creed bootleg higher marks than the Eagles Hell Freezes over? should have accepted the buy out.
Creed is always worse than whatever else is there. That is a rule.
You ranked Creed the highest. You, sir, are on drugs, and some bad shit, too.
Am I reading this correctly? Creed is better than The Eagles and The Doors? That’s gross to even type, the wording “Creed is better than....” should never be written about anything. Unless you’re talking about tetnus...or like..nuclear winters.
The Big 12 commissioner didn’t “step in” because it was Dan Beebe. Who had moved his office into UT’s stadium and was unafraid to flaunt his direct affiliation with them. It was his corrupt management that started the whole thing. Justice would be UT getting the SMU treatment. Screw those dirtbags.
5 minutes of frustrated grunting followed by an hour of crying?
Good afternoon, everyone. Your favorite Camaro-crashing ex-convict Patrick George here. In my first official act as…