
Nick Mason.

Personally speaking, as an idiot teenager, I intentionally went faster than 85 so I could say I pinned the needle. Good job US gov’t indeed...

If you can’t afford to tip appropriately, you can’t afford to eat out.

English teacher mode:

The most insane part of these “takeover conspiracies” is that these people believe they, armed with hunting rifles, small assault weapons (maybe), and Vietnam-era souvenir artillery, would fend off the full might of the American military. THINK ABOUT HOW CRAZY THIS SOUNDS.

There is absolutely nothing impressive while standing there doing nothing while your buddies do all the work. It’s just a demonstration of a mechanic in the game that shares exp for kills, not any amount of skill, which is oddly called out in the article.

Taken as a whole? Has to be the Porsche 911 in all its incarnations. Think how long the 911 name has been around, and how many have been raced - and raced successfully - over that span.

i’ve got the black/red one, it’s pretty hot

I'm picturing an epic scene. De Niro as Enzo. Joe Pesci as Ferruccio Lamborghini.

Enzo: Are you lookin' at me? You think I'm gonna sell one of MY cars to a fuckin' tractor salesman? You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me!"

Ferruccio: What? Am I some sort of clown to you? I'll go build my own fuckin' car and it'll beat your

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Amazing finish and so good the video almost missed it. Every final lap should be this epic.

So Max Hoffman is responsible for both the 300 SL Gullwing AND the BMW 507? What a legend!

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The chase scene from Bullitt. I can't find a fully intact version on Youtube, so here's the beginning:

Or if you live in Abilene, Tx most anytime of the year. :-)

Porsche 917/30. up to 1,580 Horsepower and 1,967 hp/tonne (more than 1,200hp in race trim). 0-60 in 1.9 seconds, 0-100 in 3.9 seconds, 0-200 mph in 10.9 seconds and look what's in front of your feet.