
Ok I love Hercules/the muses (low-key best Disney soundtrack?) and I loved the music video. I also really enjoyed the song! Will be my late-summer bop for sure.

I somehow really find it heartwarming that Baby Yoda is a physical puppet and not just CGI. It may still be a scheme to sell merchandise, but it’s also a goddam artistic achievement.

One big benefit of trains is that they’re much more environmentally friendly than planes! Trains>planes. Yay trains!!

Did this man have to get rabies shots after this?

Came here to say just that! Here in Minnesota, wool socks are a matter of not losing toes. I’m just saying, I don’t know how I’m going to get through the next four months without the small joys of indoor winter living. Here’s the thing, the Danes are actually intentional about this shit. Like, if you’re going to spend

Yup. Minnesota will be a shitshow for 2018 elections with so much up in the air- two Senate seats, all eight House seats, and the governorship. Klobuchar has a lot of momentum and will probably be fine, but Smith has a lot of catching up to do. Minnesota is pretty purple and the deciding votes are not necessarily

Some of us here in Minnesota are wondering what’s taking the 33 Senators so long who called for Franken’s resignation last week.

Was this study paid for by the sugar industry?

In this situation, where the issue seems to be insufficient flushing power, you can fill up a bucket or something with water and pour it into the toilet to make it flush. I can see how having the “bucket conversation” on the first date would be awkward, but like, the dude should be chill about the shortcomings of his

Good job advocating for reliable health information, Jon Snow!

Maybe she is trying to sell the shoes?