
“I think the tone of this article is tiresome”

I disapprove what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to pull your pud in front of women. -Voltaire

Shit went off the rails after episode 12.

I still love Louis but I don’t care much about his filmmaking career. If the film is well-reviewed, I would consider buying or renting it from his website but I wouldn’t see it in a theater. Hopefully he’ll get back to more stand-up soon. That’s all I want from him as a fan.

This is literally the premise...

Now we’ll never get answers to such burning questions as, “What the hell is going on?” and “Why the fuck should anyone care?”

That was really extremely, extremely fucked up". Yeah, he doesn't know what fucked up means. First World Problems are hilarious to me.

Meanwhile, around that time, in Colombia (where I am from), a neighbor was getting gunned down in front of me and my siblings for getting involved with a gangsters’ wife. I still have nightmares about that day. And no, it wasn't the first time somebody was shot nearby, but the first time I saw it from such a short

Maybe you should go watch some more ER.

It’s interesting that, in a story talking about all the obvious racism she is encountering, your response is “Here are the not-racist reasons I don’t like her”

I think you protest too hard buddy.

Anyone commenting with a review of the performance, character, or show, positive or negative, is completely missing the point, and pushes forward the dangerous idea that treating actors as human beings deserving of respect, free from bigotry is somehow conditional. It is not. There is absolutely no excuse for the kind

One of my favorite Norm MacDonald jokes. "They say if you're homophobic, then deep down, you're really gay. That worries me, because I'm afraid of dogs."

Sounds like you’ve never actually gone to a comedy show. 

Nothing in Chapelle’s act is hateful toward trans people.

I’m down here mining Beanie Babies like a mad man.

1. Stranger Things

The math’s pretty simple. Do you watch 2+ movies a month, on average? Then yes, it’s worth it.

Adrenaline starts to flow
You’re thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

Here on stage the Marshall noise
Is piercing through your ears
It kicks your ass, Kicks your face
Exploding feeling nears

Now’s the time to let it rip

I think the people who REALLY like Fight Club understand it, and as you pointed out the novel fleshes it out more.