
“Your office trampled on the constitutional rights of the Hutchins,”

I agree, nothing’s going to change if Musk buys Twitter.  All the people vowing to leave will stick around as a self-appointed ‘resistance’ and somehow be even more insufferable than they are now. 

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars and still no one has caught up to him, but go ahead and state he is not very bright.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to just write 2 paragraphs?

11 states are “two-party” or “all-party” consent states. It would arguably be easier to have the feature be location-based (just like all of the cable/streaming services do for blacking out local sports events) than to try and button up every hole that an app developer finds.

Yea, my wife and her husband wouldn’t be happy about it either lol

Which one’s marriage should I break up?

He publicly owned up to it and apologized. He had a megadeal with FX taken away. Comedy clubs were refunding people if customers could not stand to see him and walk out. Millions in tour dates cancelled. A solid 3+ years laying low...and she’s against cancel culture, but wants him to still pay for what he did?  All

My wife would totally not be on board with me doing this. Pretty bad advice here, Lifehacker.

Sarah Connor Chronicles is on Hulu.

It’s ok, Deadwood pretty much ruined every other western for me too. Mostly because when I see them I wonder why everything is so clean and why the streets aren’t covered in mud and horseshit.

Goddamn I wish the drug-war govt hadn’t effectively shut down clinical psychedelic research in the 70s. So much opportunity squandered.

When you hear about Day-Lewis’ quirky methods, you might be going like “what a weirdo!” but then you see one of his movies and it’s like “oh shit, I get it”.

you missed a “where to  stream”

No love for Hudson Hawk? Shame.

I think both parties should just throw all their baggage on the table the first date and save each other a decade or two of misery.

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This is an ad. Facts are irrelevent.

One assumes that the author is not offering medical advice over the internet...

One assumes that the author is not offering medical advice over the internet...