
You must be fun at parties.

And I see people saying the same thing now! Don’t give the people the option to elect a clown because, sadly, they will. 

AV Club threw me a curve ball here. Keeping it classy. I’m impressed. Totally didn’t have to, and we’d all understand ;)

These "fans" are vicious. I've seen former friends call Jewish writers nazis because they are okay with Gina getting the boot.  These people have been festering around looking for a reason to complain for years.  Its pathetic. 

Darcy next episode

Should change the title to Bullock Train.

The more I learn, the more intrigued I am about who the fuck thought greenlighting this abomination thought it was a good idea...

As parent of an Autistic child (and another with ADHD): fuck Autism Speaks.

*one finger on a monkey’s paw curls in*

Alright, AV Club. Cards on the table: how big of a check do I have to write you for you guys to never do the “here’s a bunch of inane chatter from idiots on Twitter disguised as an article” thing ever again?

I remember people saying “derp” like 20 years ago when I was a teenager. Hell, the My Little Pony character was in 2010. I say this not as a “how did you not know about it already” because we all have blind spots, but more that I figured that it would have already grown out of fashion. I’m surprised kids are still

Derp is like 20 years old and hardly out of bounds. This is a major stretch.

It does seem to be pretty damning, considering his claims they they hired the same model and even the same makup and stylists. Actually, why would they even do that? It surely had to be more expensive to hire a specific company, especially when I doubt that it’s not that difficult to reproduce basically the same look

That’s what that actress normally looks like... when she’s wearing THAT hairpiece, having had her make-up done by THAT make-up artist, wearing the SAME wardrobe, being directed to pose in the SAME way...

It would be one thing if they were just visually similar.

Can this headline get a second look? Can it be phrased in a way that doesn’t affirm what’s a ultimately a false question? Herd immunity isn’t “suddenly” good, it’s always good. How we get there, and understanding how we get there, are the considerations that we should be mindful, and that this article discusses. “How

Citing privacy laws, Barnes-Jewish declined to comment to local media.

I feel like someone need to explain to this girl that there are plenty of ways she can show people her boobs for money. Instagram just isn’t one of them