
Thank you for being thoughtful, but I’ve moved on from more slideshows than I’ve clicked through (including this one). After reading your next comment, I decided, I will only click through your slideshows. Please continue letting the masters know everyone hates slideshows. Thanks.

Stop it. We shouldn’t have to resize our browser due to poor design.


I prefer to remember 80s Cosby instead of predictor Cosby. The way I see it lots of talented people worked on that show and there are some great messages in that show. I choose to separate the work from the person. 

You seem a little melodramatic saying the news ‘HAD’ to come out. 

It’s ok to enjoy entertainment of people you disagree with. I still enjoy Seven and House of cards despite Kevin Spacey’s past.  

Maybe Hank just got tired of people bugging him about it.

What’s the shortcut to remove slideshow?

Stop telling me to resized the browser window.

How about bat houses?

I think we saw the Cyborg movie in the middle of JL.

It’s cultural appropriation because he chose the name of a famous black leader named Luke Cage.

I just call him Bob.

I’d like some more please.

I think she should use the Princess title too. Not everyone is royalty.

Jim Bean has always seemed too sweet straight up.

I’m going to have to try that. My traditional Ol’ Fashioned seem like they are missing something with ordinary sugar or simple syrup. Maple could be the answer. Maybe I’ll try it with some Bulleit Rye.

I’m disappointed in the headline. I thought we sent him to Canada.


Right. I can open my camera app and scan a QR in about three seconds.

Maybe the Japanese media isn’t a piece of trash and actually report on stories instead of pushing their own narratives.