Looks like someone went crazy with the “tribal” vinyl category in a Forza livery editor.
Looks like someone went crazy with the “tribal” vinyl category in a Forza livery editor.
you read it b4 voting? I just scrolled down and voted ND then read lol
Dumb, maybe even terrible. I approve.
... oh Hail no!
He’s been waiting 3 years, so he ordered that when he was 21.
Chase Merrill is a 24-year-old living in the snowy Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. He figured the $85,626 SUV would make a perfect replacement for his 2015 Ford Edge...
Did you hear about the guy who mistook a pile of snow for a financial institution?
There are a few odd things in this story that makes it sound like there is more to it than we’re hearing.
“This motor swap will be cheap. I can use mostly junkyard parts”
Southerner with complete agreement on AC. If you can’t fix THIS...
I live in the South. Non-Working A/C is an instant ND for me.
Damn that’s ugly.
I’m a big fan of the sub-sub-genre of “movies where Sam Neill goes nuts” - In the Mouth of Madness, Event Horizon, Possession, etc. Think of how much better the terrible final Jurassic World movie would be if Sam Neill went crazy and started thinking he was a dinosaur and killed and ate Chris Pratt!
Boomers who buy Vettes don’t like mail-in ballots.
“I used to fly a starship. Then I took an asteroid in the knee.”
I recently hit 123,456 miles (trip at 789.0, since I’m a dork) in my 2002 S2000. Every time I drive something else for a while, I hop back in the S2000 and realize that it’s basically perfect for me, with great ergonomics and very little frippery. It’s also short and has a trunk that can’t be broken into if the center…