Fortunately for me, my old car doesn’t include any of that horseshit, so my clearing work is traditional.
The VTEC JUST KICKED IN YO!!!1! button.
Holy hell. I was enjoying this, and then Saito took the Lambo through that gap and broke the fluorescent lights, and my jaw just went floor. wife drives the fully loaded yuppy Odyssey and I’m the confused Sienna driver in our household.
Let’s not forget the S600 with equal length headers. Freakin F1 scream.
For being an N/A 4-cylinder, my 2001 Prelude project car sounds pretty good. I bought it with a blown engine, but it came with several tasteful (IMO) mods including a custom catback with a Greddy Evo muffler. I swapped the engine to an H23A (a little-known VTEC version of the 2.3L H23 motor...essentially an H22 with a…
Probably not fair because supercar, but who would have thunk a Lexus would be one of the best sounding cars of all time?
Didn’t we do this a couple weeks back?
This exact freaking car. I’ve found Accord coupe drivers to be the absolute worst. I’ve come across a bunch of bad one, but there is one guy in particular who drives around in his like a total maniac. Runs stop signs, passes in no passing areas and on the shoulder, does at least 50 through my residential neighborhood,…
Where I come from, this late model Altima has replaced the Cobalt/G6 as the go-to car of the early twenty something chick who tends bar at Hooters while going through nursing school. You’ll know it by the JD Byrider licence plate ring, the weird Hello Kitty steering wheel cover, something dumb hanging from the mirror,…
As we suspected all along. Tire pressure was off.