Damn, an MTV Award? This bodes well for an Oscar campaign.
Damn, an MTV Award? This bodes well for an Oscar campaign.
Both of these shows are so stupid that I don’t thibk anyone cares that you confused Westworld with The Affair.
Hire good directors
You don’t see that we our the masters now, Welp. I’ve tried to lead you to salvation, but some people aren’t meant to go on this journey. *shoots Welp*
1. Give me an enjoyable song. You said “Single Ladies,” one of the most enjoyable songs of all time? Garbage.
I told you refills weren’t free.
“Death Stranding is going to be bad”
Don’t know why, but I got a feeling this one is going to be special.
Man, you hid behind cabinets in the first one, why would you do something similar in a sequel?
When the squids come over, they’re not sending their best people.
World War 2 didn’t even have female cups.
I never thought it was all that impressive; essentially they left the Wii U to die, depriving it of almost all of their core titles so they could be released for the Switch.
Uncharted 2, Last of Us, Puppeteer, Ni No Kuni, & Journey,
Zoe Quinn....ZOE QUINN!
I haven’t seen the RLM review of TLJ, but are you telling me that a bunch of bitter, middle aged white guys who made a career out of shitting on Star Wars movies didn’t like The Last Jedi?
“The problem is that Snoke is important to properly understand Kylo”
I never really found Kylo Ren all that compelling. I think the best way for me to express that feeling is to yell at an Asian actress on instagram, excuse me.
Can’t believe they got Sextina Aquafina for this movie.