
Mae Whitfield huh?


Good Girls, like Breaking Bad, explores how apparently good people somehow get thrust into a life of crime for what are well-intentioned reasons.

Oh sweet, thw bots finally came back.

Stick to those Image comics.

Yeah, definitely hard to find a history of Trump being racist.

Huh, no matter how you read this comment, it pretty much never makes sense.

Damn, bro, you seem to tell it how it is with little to no filter.I’m not sure they’ll allow someone as edgy as you to even comment here.

Non-Union French equivalent.

This concept of “HOGSYEA” confuses and infuriates us!

An IASIP episode about this might be the one good thing.

PA was a red state and their fans are cheese wiz incarnate.

Adding DLC to a barebones product?

appreciating the fact that they were a foot away from Justin freakin’ Timberlake

Shoutouts to ZMF.

And they went with Bruno Mars.

I’m glad we got this guy to finally tell us what is and is not consensual sex.

By what metric?

The real way you stay relevant as a male actor is to have several sexual misconduct accusations tied to your name.

Welcome to....a morbid area of tangible despair that forces us to realize that death is breathing down our necks every nanosecond of our existence and that the folly of man is the delusion that we can avoid it by somehow being immortal with our accomplishments or our offspring.