
If you like Luke Skywalker, he’s not really Luke here. I actually didn’t like that plot point, and it adds some complexity, but they paid the cost. That said, I enjoyed the character.


“It’s more fun when they struggle”


Shake shack is alright. The new one next to Columbia doesn’t have the calendar custards, which is pretty unforgivable.

Argument theorists years from now will hold this basketball flop=sexual assault gambit as the new gold standard of rhetoric.

For wanting to see a crappy movie by someone who practices sexual misconduct?

Love how it’s all the same “I farted when I made that apology” face throughout all the headline pics.

Nah, they weren’t, though.

Eh, I don’t see what she’s talking ab....

Boogie Nights

Inherent Vice was ass; I gotta say it. It felt like it got rid of everything that makes his films great. I also felt it would have been better suited for the Coen Brothers.

Parachutes force their women to wear ridiculous fabrics over their head. I don’t know how people could stand for that.

Can’t believe you’d panzer to the comments with a pun.

I always associate Jay-Z’s “Never Change” with winter. It’s not about winter, but it captures the feeling of it so well.

Chewbacca mom will make a comeback!

Best live action team up superhero team up movie so far. They should have tried to get a theatrical run somehow.

I’m just going to add this here. Whenever I click on a star on a post (for this thread at least) it starts taking off stars. You had like three stars and I clicked it—hoping to give you a star—and it took them away.

Yeah, no other superhero property has that.
