
It’s a little better than the original finale IMO.

Forgetting the series finale?

I’m not gonna lie; they’re kind of ass. I think the community might have ragged a bit too hard on the reviewer, but you can’t get plot details wrong for a 10 year old show that is highly revered and expect things to go well.

“The pervading “fan service” in many anime is completely absent in this show. This is a good thing.”

Can’t recommend this enough. I’m not sure how Sean even got that from the first two episodes.

Yeah, my main takeaway was that no one on staff really has a knowledge or love for anime. It’s hard to really get someone into it when you can’t offer the full breadth.

“I made it to episode two.”

Can the AV Club please get a dedicated section for fiction/nonfiction. This review a fortnight thing is kind of lame. Also, you already got like 5000 things that overlap with other Kinja “articles,” so having your own niche thing would be pretty cool.

So, either a handsome guy with a lot of money and acclaim or a handsome guy with a lot of money and acclaim?

Larry holding the door for Nasim and being told off was like not seeing a friend for a long time and then getting back into the normal groves of your rapport.

Shit...that’s kind of verging on pass territory for me. Maybe it was just the two singles?

I’ll just go ahead and say it: LTTP is just kind of an ok game. Super Metroid is good game, but its reputation precedes it.

X....Men? Is that a comic series or something?

Wow a body swapping story about a boy trading places with a lens flare?

Not on Kinja ya didm’t!

Heh, troll. Good luck getting out of the grays. I’m glad they blocked this hateful and bigoted comment.

What I love about Kinja is that the gray system weeds out any obvious trolls.

I know where you are going with this, and yes, I do think the functionality and readability of Kinja can solve this problem.

I’m glad you liked the joke. I’m also glad I reported you.

Howerton could have easily done a better job than Pratt.