
How does Nolan's Batman go against the source material?

I'm hoping for a "Bart Sells His Soul" like play out to the story.

Which is weird because I thought it was for DeSade.

If he could somehow bulk up, McBride would be a pretty good Jody. Dream casting? Olphant as Jody and Goggins as TC.

It was also, by far, the coolest contact card I had seen. "This is, by far, the coolest contact card I've seen," I said.

If only.

Actually, I sound like an Emmy nominated actor who worked on a show that knew how to transform sexuality in unique ways so that there was always something more to the scene than "This person bangs this person because they want to bang, I guess."

I know this show gets a lot of flack for the Softcore Cinemax Original esque writing and directing that they employ in some of its scenes, but after tonight's episode….

I'm downvoting you just for saying "Jorah."


Season 5 is arguably the best season they have done.


Wait til you see the Tarantino cut.

Snyder? Three dimensional? Yeah, in that his movies are played in a 3-D format, sure.

Ehhh, can we just skip that and go to….

Herr Starr feels too dry and looks a bit too old.

They really shouldn't try to Rush this one through.

A Mega Man 7 screenshot? A good indication of the quality of this movie.

Why isn't the greatest living actor of our age (TM pending) Mads Mikkelsen not in this movie?

Chris Pine is in this?