Thanks for The Hubert Report.
Thanks for The Hubert Report.
Will's story about Phil being the other rollerblade was great, too.
The movies still have fan(s) *, though. Nickelback has fans, too.
INT- Hall of Justice
Yep, people not named after Sorkin characters like their well written stories.
Only guarantee I can make about the quality of this project is that Mohd is probably going to have a hard-on while he plays it.
With Kojima, you don't know if you're going to be getting a stealth based Mech game about uncovering the lost flame of Prometheus or some type of space RPG light novel where you fight against a giant sentient octopus.
Pretty much.
Arrow Powerrankings! Week of Arrow wins.
Eh, I had some problems with it, but your oversimplifying of some of his points (many of which he out right refutes).
And those all kind of suck.
Your trailer was kind of terrible, too.
Y'all really hit the edit button on the headline? Might as well wear our mistakes with pride.
I always wanted to buy 1000 island dressing.
Step Brothers THREE by Don Trip and Starlito is excellent. I've been making my way through More Life as well. Chanel has been constantly on repeat, too. I'm going to start trying out some Roxy Music stuff here soon.
Even last year’s weirdly maligned Views,
Because it's sucked since the beginning?
I'm tempted to give you Darhk, but he works better on LoT
3 times out of 5.