
Y'all still talking about this, huh?

Also how to fix, well, everything.

Let me answer that for you:

Duh, late period Simpsons episodes will have terrific resale value.

As opposed to male comics who say uncouth things that they get away with because they're male!

I don't think Trump would say the N word in a public….

Cool, totally thought they had a long hiatus coming up, but I guess not.

Yeah, I guess if Breitbart got the story, then yes that happened.

Give the awards to Midnight Vultures and Odelay, then. Don't give it to boring Beck.

That's racist.

Beyonce's pretentiousness/rampant fanbase is similar to Trump's: they truly believe she's a god-emperor who can do no wrong.

You do see what the problem is when you look at the number of hits produced instead of, you know, the music?

Also, can I get fresh french fries; I don't mind waiting."

Damn, now I really want to watch that ep.

club music/rap really sucks.

One last rodeo…


Let me give you the email of my friend Manimal; you two would hit it off.

I'm gonna go ahead and close my AV Club tab now.

It's an album of throwaways, though. That's like saying your deleted scenes reel is a pretty decent flick.